Traditional Ceremonial Cacao:


  • 100% pure Ceremonial cacao 20-60grams
  • Hot water or plant-based milk (e.g., almond, coconut, or oat milk)
  • Sweetener (optional) such as honey or maple syrup


Grate or finely chop the Ceremonial cacao paste.

Heat the water or plant-based milk in a saucepan until it's hot but not boiling.

Add the grated or chopped cacao to the hot (not boiling) liquid and stir until the cacao is completely melted and well combined.

If desired, add a sweetener of your choice to taste.

Pour the Ceremonial cacao into a ceremonial cup and enjoy mindfully during your spiritual practice or ritual.

  • Spiced Ceremonial Cacao:


    100% pure Ceremonial cacao 20-60grams

    Hot water or plant-based milk

    Ground cinnamon

    Ground nutmeg

    Sweetener (optional) such as maple syrup or coconut sugar


    Prepare the Ceremonial cacao as in the Traditional recipe (grating or chopping cacao and mixing it with hot water or plant-based milk).

    Add a pinch of ground cinnamon and nutmeg to the mixture and stir well.

    If you prefer a sweetened version, add your choice of sweetener to taste.

    Pour the spiced Ceremonial cacao into a ceremonial cup and savour the delightful flavours while engaging in your spiritual practice.

  • Hot Date Cacao Elixir:


    100% pure Ceremonial cacao 20-60grams

    Hot water or plant-based milk

    2 Medjool dates, pitted and chopped

    1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

    Pinch of salt


    Prepare the Ceremonial cacao as in the Traditional recipe (grating or chopping cacao and mixing it with hot water or plant-based milk).

    In a blender, combine chopped dates, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt. Pour the Ceremonial Cacao into the blender and blend on high speed until the dates are fully blended and the mixture is smooth and frothy. Pour the mixture into your favourite mug.

    Savour the warm and comforting flavours of cacao and dates in this delightful coffee-free hot drink.

  • Mint Magic Cacao:


    100% pure Ceremonial Cacao

    Hot water or plant-based milk

    2 tablespoons organic honey or maple syrup (adjust to taste)

    1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract


    Prepare the Ceremonial cacao as in the Traditional recipe (grating or chopping cacao and mixing it with hot water or plant-based milk).

    Add in honey or maple to the mixture and stir well.

    Remove from heat and stir in the peppermint extract.

    Pour mixture into your favourite mugs and enjoy a the magic from this indulgent minty Cacao elixir.

Cacao Banana Smoothie:


100% pure Ceremonial cacao 20-60grams

1 ripe banana

1 cup plant-based milk

1 tablespoon organic honey or maple syrup (optional for

Ice cubes (optional)


Grate or finely chop the Ceremonial cacao paste.

In a blender, combine the banana, plant-based milk, chopped/grated cacao and honey or maple syrup if desired.

Optional: Add a few ice cubes for a colder smoothie.

Blend until smooth and creamy.

Pour into a glass and enjoy!